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Missing Livestock


The Boone County Sheriff's Department has taken reports of cattle thefts from two persons. These thefts occurred on two separate properties, one located in the Bergman area on Tar Kiln Road and the other in the Lead Hill area off of Highway 14 East. The thefts were first noticed around October 2019.

There are five total head missing. These missing cattle include one 500 to 600 pound heifer with a tag number 802 on 10/28/2019, one Black Angus steer with a yellow tag numbered 903 with brand TFW, one Black Angus four week old calf with an orange or yellow tag numbered 951 with brand TFW which were believed to have been taken on or around 12/03/2019, and two Black Angus cows approximately six to seven years old weighing between 1500 and 1600 pounds. The last two cows listed were discovered missing around 11/01/2019.

The sheriff's department would like to ask that if anyone has information related to these thefts to please contact us. All reporters can remain anonymous.

The sheriff's department would also like to notify local ranchers to make a hard head count of your stock and be on alert for any suspicious activity.